Cinema Box is one the popular APK that you can install on your Android device for watching Movies, TV Shows and Cartoons in HD quality. Cinema Box allows you to stream or download Movies, TV Shows and Cartoons. The app supports Google Chromecast so you can cast the video to your big screen for a better watching experience.
[stextbox id=”info” caption=”Editor’s Note” collapsing=”false” mode=”css” shadow=”false” bwidth=”2″ bcolor=”FF350D”]
If you plan on streaming content via any of the Kodi addons we recommend using a VPN. A VPN will anonymize your online activity, protect you from spying ISPs, and allow you access to geo-blocked add-ons and content.
We personally use IPVanish VPN and highly recommend it. You can sign up for IPVanish VPN here or if you want to know more about why to use a VPN with Kodi click here
Cinema Box App
Cinema Box APK
Before installing Cinema Box APK on your Android Box please make sure that you have Allowed the “Unknown sources” on your Android Box. If you don’t know how to Allow Unknown Sources then follow the below steps to allow “Unknown sources” on your Android Box:
-> From the Home screen of your Android device go into Settings>More Settings>Security and there you will find one option “Unknown sources”, now you need to click on to turn it ON and allow Unknown Sources on your Android device.
Follow the below instructions to install Cinema Box APK on Android Box:
01. Start your Box normally and from Home screen go into your Web Browser (Chrome, Opera, Android Browser)
02. Once you will open your Web Browser you need to type the exact URL:
03. Now scroll down and click on Download Cinema Box.APK and Cinema Box APK will start downloading on your Android Box
04. Once the download is complete you will get the notification that “Cinema Box downloaded”
05. After that go back to the Home screen of your Android Box by pressing the Home Button on your remote
06. Now from Home screen go into your Apps>Es File Explorer, click on Local option and under Local click on Download option
07. Once you will click on Download option you will find the Downloaded APK (com.playboxhd.cinema2_2.1.0-7.apk)
08. Click on (com.playboxhd.cinema2_2.1.0-7.apk), hit Install and Cinema Box APK will start installing on your Android Box.
09. Wait till the Installation will finish