Martial arts has been promoted in many parts of the world as a effective means to improve physical wellness. Because of this various forms of martial arts has become extremely popular. Serious research has been conducted to determine exactly how effective martial arts really is and how it affects the body. Research looked at metabolic effects, the cardiovascular system, psychological health, the muscular and skeletal condition, cognitive ability and physical balance. Martial arts has a positive impact on all of those areas mentioned above. People of all ages have benefited from martial arts training. Muay Thai training camps in Thailand have seen the same health benefits among their students. Fitness and health levels continue to improve with regular exercise. This sport teaches students very effective self defense skills. Martial arts provides students with lots of confidence and they learn to be disciplined and committed individuals. Your entire lifestyle will improve with martial arts training. The centre for disease control have done numerous studies on exactly how much exercise is required in order to ensure a healthy cardiovascular system. According to that study only one in five people exercise enough.
Weight loss and muscle tone
It has been known for years that increased muscle mass is good for the metabolism which in turn will help to maintain your weight. Many martial art disciplines practice two or three times a week but Muay Thai students train six days a week, twice a day. The centre for disease control says that people should train for at least 150 minutes per week but once again Muay Thai students train a lot more than that. This is why they are incredibly fit and they burn lots of calories. Anyone involved in martial arts training will improve their muscle tone as well as their muscle mass and this is primarily because of hours of kicking and punching during training. These activities require a lot of strength and endurance and the muscles in your arms and legs are tested to their limits. SuWit Muay Thai with due diligence can help to improve your health.
Excellent reflexes
Any combat sport requires athletes with superb reflexes. The better developed the reflexes are the more likely the fighter will be to succeed in the ring. The ability to successfully block and dodge the attacks of an opponent is crucial if a fighter wants to stay in the ring from beginning to end. Reflexes are honed through endless repetition as the student continues to kick, punch and block. Well developed reflexes are also useful in every day situations such as driving. Excellent reflexes are important but without sufficient body strength your punches and kicks won’t be able to do any real damage to an opponent. All of these things are important if you want to progress as a fighter but never lose sight of the incredible health benefits which results because of regular Muay Thai training, particularly the cardiovascular benefits, the accelerated weight loss, increased fitness levels and improved core and muscle strength. All of these things will help the martial arts student to avoid many of the afflictions which others struggle with in old age.