Follow the below instructions to install YouTube 3D Addon on Kodi:
->First download YouTube 3D zip file from here on your Box and save it to a location you can easily access from your Kodi device
->Start your box as normal and then go into Kodi
->Once you will be inside Kodi then click on System from the main screen of Kodi
->Now click on Addons
->Click on Install from zip file
->Browse to where you downloaded the zip in the first step and then click on
->Wait for Addon enabled notification in the bottom right corner of the screen
->YouTube 3D Addon is installed now. The Addon can be accessed by going into Videos from the main screen of Kodi then Addons and there you can find YouTube 3D Addon.
“This Addon is not in anyway associated with and is a third party Kodi Addon. Please don’t post any question related to this Addon on official Kodi forum( If you face any kind of problem in installing YouTube 3D on Kodi then feel free to contact us via Live Chat or email([email protected])”