Dependencies Missing error or failed to install dependency is one of the most common errors that users face while installing a particular Addon on Kodi. There are two main reasons as to why this can happen, one is because you are missing some dependencies on your Kodi for that particular addon and the other reason for this error has been seen to be messed up cache data and the easiest way to fix that is to Clear Cache on your Kodi. You can Click here to know how to clear cache on Kodi.
This can also happen as Kodi is being continuously updated, as the Version of Kodi is updated we as users tend to think that updating Kodi will give better streaming experience and without giving much thought to it we hop on to updating Kodi and later we realize that a lot of addons are incompatible. Now that is because the developers of Addons must also update their addon code so that they remain compatible with newer versions. And now for all the Kodi users who are experiencing failed to install dependency error please follow the tutorial below to resolve Kodi dependency issue.
Dependencies missing error kodi
Follow the below instructions to Fix Dependencies Missing Error in Kodi:
01. First, try to find out which dependency does it shows is missing from your Kodi when you get an error message.
02. The best way is to check the log to know which Dependency is missing and install that Dependency on your Kodi.
03. You can Click Here to know how to view log files in Kodi.
04. After that search the internet for the missing dependency and download it on your Kodi device.
Example: If you are missing Live Resolver Dependency then you can Click Here to know how to install it on your Kodi and fix an error.
05. If you can can’t find the missing dependency and are not able to fix an error then follow the below steps:
-> From Main Screen of Kodi select System and under system click on File Manager
-> Click on Profile Directory
-> Click on Database
-> Now select Addonxx.db and Right click on it, click on Delete and then press Yes in order to delete it. (Note: This will delete all Addons from Kodi)
-> After that, you need to Exit your Kodi properly and then go back into Kodi and it will automatically fix failed to install dependency error.
You can also follow the below video guide to fix Failed To Install Dependency error on Kodi: