Digitalization leads to the disappearance of rudimentary business roles and functions. But at the same time, new, more necessary specializations appear.
The first stage of digitalization is automation. Automation allows you to transfer some tasks from personnel to software solutions. It is the first stage of digitalization. A striking example of automation is electronic document management.
Digitalization is a deep transformation of business. It involves the use of digital technologies to optimize business processes.
Today’s leaders must embrace digital technologies to remain relevant in the market. This is important in sales, logistics, medicine, education, and real estate. In this article we will tell you how to digitize your business and get the best benefit.
Digitalization as a process may not only have this goal. By itself, it can work for the following purposes:
- Improving the product (or service): its quality, attractiveness, ease of use, delivery;
- Automation of production and other internal processes of the company;
- Simplification of internal and external communications.
Those who are ahead always experiment, make and correct mistak The example of online platforms such as playing online slots to win real money fast, showcases the adaptability of businesses. It helps to cater to a wide range of consumer interests.
What is digital transformation?
Thanks to digitalization, data becomes available from various platforms, devices and interfaces.
Benefits of digital transformation:
- improvement of work processes
- emergence of new sources of income
- more professional customer service
Digital business transformation is the introduction of digital solutions into the production model. This definition applies not only to commercial activities, but also to other areas. Digitalization is penetrating various spheres of life, in particular education and public administration.
Let us immediately note that digitalization is not just process automation. This is following trends in the field of information technology. It searches for optimal solutions for the full functioning of the company.
Digital business transformation is a complex and multi-stage process. To update the company’s work, it is necessary to review and optimize its activities. As a result, it increases its competitiveness. Note that when a company undergoes a digitalization process, new positions appear.
Examples of digital transformation
Agriculture. PwC has developed the concept of precision agriculture. This includes the use of various digital solutions to manage agricultural areas. According to PwC, using this concept helps reduce costs by 10% and increases yield by the same amount.
City management. The use of smart city technologies helps respond to emergency incidents 20-35% faster. Accordingly, it reduces the number of deaths from accidents by 10%.
Thus, digitalization of business allows the company to respond to emerging changes. It simplifies and optimizes the work of employees. It works more efficiently with data and expands the area of its activities.
The process of digitalization and digital transformation can be daunting. It is due to the volume of tasks and complexities that businesses face.
To move your business online, you need:
Analyze the company, define goals and develop a strategy. Test communication within the company and with clients. Invite third-party specialists to analyze business processes from the outside. New technologies do not have to completely change the enterprise. Their task is to simplify and improve the company’s work.
Use digital technologies. Realize your plans and choose the appropriate digital tools. It will take time to connect digital technologies.
Explore the results. Make sure that innovations benefit the company without compromising the budget. If this is not the case, you need to look for ways to use technology in a different way.
Useful tools for digital business transformation
Cloud storage. These are online services for storing data on secure remote servers. With their help, employees can access information anytime and anywhere. Popular services are Google Drive, OneDrive and DropBox.
Services for collaboration and communication. Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Slack are applications for managing collaboration. In such services, people not only communicate, but also store, edit and transmit documents.
Managers formulate tasks for the day, week, month or year and monitor implementation. Clear planning of the work process increases employee productivity. It reduces the time required to discuss tasks.
CRM systems automate and speed up the sales process. They increase conversions, unite different departments of the company. They also improve communication between them. Information is stored in the cloud, so employees always have access to the data.
Conditions for digital transformation
Understanding the goal and developing a strategy. It is important to understand how digitalization affects a specific area of activity. Having created a strategy, you can begin to implement it. During which you need to constantly analyze processes and improve them.
The software used for digitalization must meet the needs of the company. This will help you stand out from your competitors and make your employees’ work easier.
Team motivation. Employees must understand the value of digitalization. It is the responsibility of managers to convey the need for its implementation. To do this, they must explain to the team that using smart solutions will improve work efficiency.
Employee adaptation. To adapt employees, it is important to conduct training sessions. To quickly master a new program, it is advisable to develop and use a motivation system. It is especially difficult to adapt to work in large companies. It is important not only to train people, but also to show them how to interact with each other in new ways.
Introduction of modern technologies. After developing a strategy, you can begin installing a technical solution. It can be ready-made or developed directly for the company. Once the program is implemented, employees need to be trained to use it.