Sure Shot Addon is a brand new Kodi Addon that you can install on your Kodi for watching all latest Movies. This Addon doesn’t have big list of Movies but has all good and latest Movies that you can watch in HD quality. When you click on Sure Shot Addon you will not find any section, you will directly get the list of Movies.
Follow the below instructions to install Sure Shot Addon on Kodi:
01. First Download the Sure Shot Zip File From Here and save it in the folder where from you can easily access it
02. Now go into Kodi and click on System
03. Click on Addons
04. Click on Install from Zip file
05. Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file in the first step and select repository.docshadrach.x.x.x.Zip
06. Wait for Addon enabled notification at the bottom right corner of the screen
07. Now click on Install from repository
08. Click on Doc Shadrach’s Addons
09. Click on Video Addons
10. Click on Sure Shot
11. Click on Install
12. Wait for Addon enabled notification at the bottom right corner of the screen
13. Sure Shot Addon is now installed. The Addon can be accessed by going to Videos from main screen of Kodi then Addons and there you will find Sure Shot Addon