If you love listening to Music then you are going to love this Addon and this Addon is definitely for you. We present to you Google Play Music Addon. Also if you have a google music account and want to stream Music through Kodi then this Addon is a must have. It has support for all sorts of music and presents all genres. As always.
Follow the below instructions to install Google Play Music AddOn on Kodi:
01. Download the Foreverguest Repo Zip File from here and save to a location you can easily access from your Kodi device
02. Click on Kodi
03. Click on SYSTEM
04. Click on Addons
05. Click on Install from zip file
06. Browse to where you downloaded the zip in the first step and select repository.foreverguest-x.x.x.zip
07. Wait for Addon enabled notification at the bottom right corner of the screen
08. Click on Install from repository or Get Addons on Helix
09. Click on foreverguest Addons
10. Click on select Music addons
11. Click on Google Music EXP
12. Click on Install and wait for Addon enabled notification at the bottom right corner of the screen
13. Google Music is now installed and can be accessed by going to Music>Addons from the main screen of Kodi. But before you launch it you need to add your Google account details so it can sync your library on the first launch.
-> After that you need to Return back to the main screen of Kodi
-> Click on Music then from the sub-menu click on Addons
-> SELECT Google Music EXP but do not click on it.
-> Open the Context Menu (After selecting Google Music EXP press “C” on your keyboard or right click with mouse or menu button on your remote control or long press on touch screen devices)
-> Click on Addon Settings
-> Click on General
-> Now add your Google Username & Password. If you have two-step verification enabled then you will need to create an app specific
-> password here https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords
-> Select OK to save your username & password
-> Now when you will launch Google Play Music in Kodi you will see a message saying your library is being accessed and built.
-> Once done your library will be saved and will be ready to use.
Now you can easily create a link in your main menu to playlists from within your Google Music account.